Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Running in the Storm

Okay so today i got home from my doctors appt (which was fantastic news thank you God!!!) and decided to go running since the rain had let up. As I was running I began to look around me. I was looking to see how dark the clouds were getting to make sure I would have enough time to get all my run in. I was on the homeward stretch when the sun came out inbetween some clouds and the warmth of it made me smile. I had forgotten the sun was there, kinda out of sight out of mind thing.. and so I thanked Jesus for the sunshine. So God began to impress on me about how in life we run through the storms, some are light drizzles and some are mighty, fierce , and reek with destruction , but He reminded me that His Sonshine is always there too! And just at the right moment He peeks through and His warmth covers our soul. I love Him.

Mark 4:35-39 The Sea is Stilled
Luke 8:22-25 The Storm is Stilled


RWC said...

I bet that was an awsome sight to see! I love your blog keep it up!

Gena said...

Wow, great thoughts. Thanks for the reminder. Sent here via Ron's blog....welcome to blogland, dear!

Jason Hicks said...

I love the thoughts. It seems so easy to forget things like that! Thanks for reminding us!